Dio Chrysostom's Kingship Orations (Or.1–4): An Advanced Greek Reader
Dio Chrysostom's Kingship Orations (Or.1–4): An Advanced Greek Reader
Dio Chrysostom or “golden mouth” (ca. 40–115 CE) was many things—rhetorician, orator, philosopher, historian, moralist as well as enemy and friend of Roman Emperors. He was a prime representative of the “Second Sophistic” movement. His command of the Greek language was Atticizing; his eighty extant discourses are a treasure trove of Greco-Roman cultural mores, lifestyle, religion, and ideology. Preeminent among these discourses are the first four of the collection—The Kingship Orations—written for the emperor Trajan. Within this Tier 5 Advanced Greek Reader of the AGROS series, the Greek text of Kingship Oration 1 is provided with glosses for Greek words occurring less than thirteen times in the Greek New Testament provided in footnotes. This is an ideal resource for self-study or classroom use.
Features of this book include:
•An Introduction to Dio Chrysostom’s Kingship Orations with a select bibliography;
•A succinct discussion of the most salient features of Dio’s Greek;
•A summary of the Constituent Marking Method for navigating the Greek text;
•The Greek text of the first Kingship Oration with ample spacing & footnoted glosses for Greek words occurring less than thirteen times in the Greek New Testament;
•An Appendix of Greek words occurring thirteen times or more in the Greek New Testament.