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GlossaHouse Digital Library (GHDL) 1-Year Subscription
GlossaHouse Digital Library (GHDL) 1-Year Subscription
When you purchase GH Digital Library 1-Year Subscription, you will gain digital access to every current GH Digital Library (GHDL) ebook as well as Add-On books (see below) released within a year starting from the date of your purchase.
Our 2023 Digital Library contains all GlossaHouse ebooks released prior to 12/31/23. That includes more than 130 ebooks, including our illustrated volumes, dissertations, monographs, Festschriften, grammars, and more!
Each subsequent year, GlossaHouse will publish new ebooks in its Digital Library as Add-Ons named by the year released; so, in 2024, newly added ebooks will be called "24+ Add-On."
The benefit of GlossaHouse's Digital Library 1-Year Subscription is that one gains access to GlossaHouse's current Digital Library as well as its newest ebooks released within the next year starting with the date of your purchase.
Your purchase allows you to view our eBooks on a unique online platform/viewer. You can also download them for for use with Adobe Acrobat in which you will be able to highlight, annotate, and mark up texts. Typically within 24-hours of your purchase, we will create your account and give you access to the library.
Also check out our GH Digital Library (GHDL) Plus Lifetime Subscription!