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Preaching with Prominence: Crafting Expository Sermons through Discourse Analysis

Preaching with Prominence: Crafting Expository Sermons through Discourse Analysis

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by D. C. McIntyre

Preaching with Prominence offers a homiletical method for crafting expository sermon outlines in the New Testament that are both textually faithful and objective through the employment of linguistic theory. Heavily influenced by the work of linguists like Porter, Levinsohn, and Runge, McIntyre attempts to bridge the gap between preaching pastors and academic linguistic theory. McIntyre argues that such a preaching method is a natural outflow from a high view of scripture, arguing for the lectio continua on both ideological and pragmatic grounds before developing his top-down approach to discourse analysis. It concludes with an extended example of how to create the outlines in a word processing document for maximum accessibility. Employing this theory will help the reader to stay connected to the text in a way that will leave little doubt in the congregation's mind if their minister preached the word. 

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