Treasures New & Old: Essays in Honor of Donald A. Hagner
Treasures New & Old: Essays in Honor of Donald A. Hagner
“Don Hagner has enjoyed a long and productive career as a teacher and scholar of New Testament. No one in the field is unacquainted with his work or his reputation.... I personally have benefitted from Don Hagner’s excellent scholarship and clarity of expression. He digs deep, knows the primary literature as few do, has a command of the secondary literature (in a number of languages—not just studies in English), and carefully and fairly weighs the evidence. One can count on Don to present all sides and make a judicious case for the interpretation he has chosen. In every regard he is a model for us all. I know I speak for the editors of the present volume when I say that few are as deserving of recognition and expressions of appreciation as Don Hagner. Our hope is that the studies that make up this volume will please him and in some small way impress upon him how high our regard for him is.” — Craig S. Evans (from the foreword)